Hire a Person with a Disability

Community Living Greater Sudbury (CLGS) is committed to supporting people with intellectual disabilities in securing opportunities for paid work.

Why hire a person with a disability?

  • According to a DuPont study of employees, those with a disability scored average or above average in attendance ratings.

  • A Harris study found that thirty-nine percent of workers who have a disability are more reliable than other workers.

  • Ninety-seven percent of workers with a disability rate as average to above average in terms of safety on the job.

  • As Employees: People with disabilities are an untapped labour pool of dedicated and reliable individuals in your community, they work hard, perform well on the job and have excellent attendance ratings.

What are the benefits?

  • Reduce turnover in your staff.

  • Reduce time and cost in recruiting new employees.

  • Recruitment of dedicated, honest and skilled employees.

  • A diverse workforce representing the community.

What can CLGS provide you?

  • We provide individual, on-site job training and follow-up support.

  • We help you access federal and provincial government incentives.

  • We match candidates for the skills you need.